In accordance with clause 8 of the Trust Scheme dated 14th October, 1997 Wing Parish Council, as sole trustee of Wing Community Centre hereby gives notice that the Annual General meeting of WING COMMUNITY CENTRE, a UK registered charity, will take place on MONDAY, 18TH JANUARY, 2021 at 7.30 pm.

The purpose of the Meeting is for the trustee to present the Report and Accounts of WING COMMUNITY CENTRE for the year ended 31st March, 2020 and to take any questions from the community.

The trustee requests that members of the community submit questions in advance of the meeting so that the trustee can prepare appropriately. If a member of the community is unable to attend the meeting, then please do still ask your question and the trustee will make a written response which will be submitted to the meeting and provided after the meeting to the member.

The meeting is open to all members of the Wing Community who wish to attend and will be held by ZOOM conference call. The agenda and instructions on how to join the call will be provided to members who register in advance with the Parish Council. If you would like to attend the AGM then please email or telephone Helen Cullen on 737544, in advance of the meeting or, at the latest by 12pm on Monday, 18th January, 2021.

This is your Village Hall and the Parish Council would like any interested residents to attend the meeting if they would like to. We are somewhat restricted this year because of COVID but we felt that this should not stop us having a meeting, albeit electronically. On this occasion there is only the presentation of the accounts, relevant officers’ reports and any questions which residents may have on the agenda, but even so, it is an opportunity for residents to gain a better understanding of how we manage our major village asset. Do please join us, if you can.

Wing Parish Council