Snow in Wing

As of midday Wednesday 28 February, the side roads in wing are very difficult. I was able to get to Uppingham via Preston but I found it difficult with a normal 2WD car. I would not advise using that route unless you are experienced in snow and have a 4×4.

I have not bothered to clear the drive up to the hall. It is still snowing in Wing as this is written.

Paul Brewer

The Posters from the Neighbourhood Plan Exhibition

The posters from the Neighbourhood Plan Exhibition on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th are available here

Thank you to everyone who came to the Wing Neighbourhood Plan event last weekend.  If you were unable to attend, here are the Information Boards that were on display.  We would like your comments and suggestions on the information.  If you do not wish to reply via the website please send to Nicky Lyttelton at
Many thanks again for your participation.

Snow in Wing

Wednesday 27 February 12:00

Roads in and out of Wing village are clear. with gritters overnight and again mid morning. Biggest problem is cars running out of road.

The slope up to the hall has snow on it but was passable when I was there mid morning.

Paul Brewer