Singlies Lunch 14 March

There was a Lunch laid on in the Hall on Sunday for those residents who lived alone. Your correspondent was present as a side line from writing for the Guardian and because it was thought I looked a little peaky and in need of nourishment. Joanne Beaver did the tricky bit, the cooking, while the rest of us concentrated on what marks to award. The panel were Cynthia, and her friend Margaret from Uppingham, Doreen, Allan, the new villager from the bungalows. Cyril invited Roger the Plot as his friend and at 13:00 Z sharp, we were away. The meal was pronounced a success with full marks awarded and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed mine. On the menu was local Rare Breed Pork generously supplied by Pheasants Roost of Manton. As you would expect from our Blue Riband chef, there were all the trimmings. The main meal was followed by a choice of sweets, A rich chocolate gateaux, a healthy fresh fruit salad and a delicious crumble.  Those that didn’t attend missed a treat. Avoid dissapointment, get your name down for the next one!

Pork Lunch

Margret, Cynthia and Doreen being delicate eaters were coming in last.

Roast pork Joint

What we all enjoyed.